An appreciation of the author Colin Wilson (1931-2013) - philosopher, critic, novelist

​Geoff Ward, writer, poet and musician, the founder and manager of Colin Wilson World, for whose book Spirals: The Pattern of Existence (Green Magic 2006, 2nd edition 2013) Colin Wilson wrote an introduction.
The Colin Wilson Collection - comprising about 1,500 items acquired by the University of Nottingham from Colin Stanley in 2009.
Colin Wilson: Raw Interviews - interviews with Colin Wilson recorded after the year 2000.
Valancourt Books, the publisher of new editions of seven Colin Wilson novels in 2013/14.
Diversion Books, the publisher of ten non-fiction Colin Wilson titles as e-books (as of September 2015).
Paupers' Press - as the Centre for Colin Wilson Studies, Paupers' Press, run by Wilson's bibliographer Colin Stanley, is the publisher of many books about, and guides to, the works of Colin Wilson, as well as works by Wilson himself.
Adrift in Soho, the Pablo Behrens movie, based on Colin Wilson's 1961 novel.
Robert Cracknell, the 'psychic detective' for whose autobiography Colin Wilson wrote a foreword, and who features in various Wilson books.
The 2008 Gil Dekel interview with Colin Wilson.
The Maslow Nidus, a site dedicated to the psychologist Abraham Maslow whose studies of the "peak experience" became central to the development of Colin Wilson's philosophy of optimism.
The Biography Project which places Colin Wilson in a diverse group of "culturally influential individuals", including writers Neal Cassady, Aleister Crowley, Dylan Thomas and Olaf Stapledon, as well as various artists, scientists and film-makers, who have had an impact on "underground" culture.
The 2006 Gregory Vincent St Thomasino interview with Colin Wilson: poetry and the peak experience.
Stephen Humphries, artist - Stephen provided the portrait of Colin Wilson featured at top right on all the Colin Wilson World pages.
Alan Toner, paranormal author, 'a great fan' of Colin Wilson. Alan can be found also at Wirral Writer.
The 2014 article by Kathy Toohey, Towards a Science of Nexialism, which has much to say about Colin Wilson's work and its influence on her thinking.
Kathy Toohey's short story, The Wrath of Urique, based on Colin Wilson's representation of the Cthulhu mythos in his novel The Philosopher's Stone.
Colin Wilson RIP - the Facebook memorial page.
Colin Wilson Online - the Wilson website run by Philip Coulthard.
Ritual in the Dark - essays and reflections on the work of Colin Wilson. Blogsite by Dave Moore.
Mind over Matter: The Andrija Puharich Story - New York City filmmaker Greg Mallozzi is raising funds for a film about the parapsychological and medical researcher Andrija Puharich. Colin Wilson wrote the introduction to the 1979 book about Puharich by Stuart Holroyd, Briefing for a Landing on the Planet Earth (US title: The Nine: Briefings from Deep Space). Wilson also discussed Puharich in a number of his own works.
Aristeia Press - publisher, in October 2017, of a new edition of Colin Wilson's Religion and the Rebel, and of forthcoming reissues, The Age of Defeat and The New Existentialism.
Colin Wilson: England's John the Baptist - an essay in appreciation of Wilson's life and work by John Fitzgerald at the Albion Awakening blog site.